Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (2024)

The Quickstart introduced you to the process of getting data into Sumo Logic, searching and analyzing yourdata, and sharing your findings with your colleagues.This page will help you get to know theSumo Logic user interface (UI).

Using the left navigation bar

When you first log in, you'll land on the Sumo Logic Home page.Theleft navigation (nav)menu bar isa one-stop location where you can access the following:

Accessdashboards and searches

The left nav bar provideseasy access to libraries, personal collections of dashboards, searches, and folders. Click theicons at the top of the Left Nav Bar (left to right) to view:

  • Recentdashboards and searches
  • A list of your Favorites(dashboards and searches)
  • Your Personal library of dashboards and searches
  • ALibraryof shared dashboards and searches (within your organization)
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Searchand switchbrowsing modes

The top of the left nav bar is where you can search for content andusers and easily switch browsing modes.

  • Searching—Enter text in the Search field to quickly findapps, dashboards, searches, and users.
  • Switching browsing modes—Click the three-dot kebab icon and make a selection from the dropdown menu.
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Hideand showthe left nav bar

You can easily hide the left nav bar to enlargethe working area. Then, just as easily show it again.

  • To hide the left nav bar, click the Arrow in the top right corner.
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  • To show a hiddenleft nav bar, click the Menu icon.
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Access Apps, Adminfeatures, and Help

In the lower section of the left nav bar, you can access the App Catalog, Manage Data and Administration features, access the Automation Service, and get help.

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The Automation option does not appear in the navigation menu if your organization has Cloud SOAR installed, because automation is provided by Cloud SOAR. For more information, see Cloud SOAR Automation.

Working with tabs

Every pageyou selectopens in a new tab, and the tabs areshown atthe top of the UI. You can have upto 50 tabs open atonetime.Each of the followingselections opens a new tab:

  • Saved search
  • Dashboard
  • New log search, metrics visualization or Live Tail session
  • App catalog
  • Manage pages
  • Account page
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Rename or close a tab

You can customize tabs by renaming them, thenclose them when they are no longer relevant.

To rename or close a tab, do the following:

  1. To rename a tab, double-click thename field,enter thenew name, and pressReturn.
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  2. To close a tab, hover the cursor over the tab and click the X icon on the right.
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Customize your environment withtab options

Log Search, Metrics, and Live Tail tabs have additional options you can useto customize your environment.The tabs even stay open when you sign out and sign back in again,so you can start where you left off. Clicking any of the following icons opensa tabbed window.

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To access additional Log Search, Metrics, and Live Tail options, do the following:

  1. Hover the cursor over the three-dot kebab icon.
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  2. Click the icon and choose an option from the dropdown menu.
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  3. Use the left (<) and right(>) arrows at each end of the Tab menu bar tomove back and forth throughthe tabs.

The following table lists the options available for the Search, Metrics, and Live Tail tabs.

OptionSearch tabMetrics tabLive Tail tab
PinTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (12)
RenameTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (13)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (14)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (15)
DuplicateTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (16)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (17)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (18)
Open a New Browser TabTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (19)
CloseTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (20)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (21)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (22)
Close Other TabsTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (23)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (24)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (25)
Close All TabsTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (26)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (27)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (28)
Close Tabs to the RightTour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (29)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (30)Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (31)

Mastering everyday tasks

This section provides information onhow to perform basic everyday tasks using the Sumo Logic UI.

All users:

  • Launch log searches, metrics visualizations, and Live Tail sessions
  • View recent dashboards and searches
  • View Favorites and add dashboards and searches to the list
  • Share a dashboard, search, or folder
  • View content that is shared with you
  • Pin and manage searches
  • Manage your personal account preferences
  • Get help: docs, community, and more

Sumo Logic Administrators:

  • Admin: Manage data collection, data settings, and alerts
  • Admin: Manageaccounts, users, and security

Launch searches, metrics visualizations, andLive Tail sessions

This section shows you how to get started working with logs andmetrics. The links provideddirect you to more in-depth information.

To launch a search, metrics visualization, or live tail session, do the following:

  1. Go tothe Sumo Logic Home page.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click+Newin the Tabs menu and choosean option from the dropdownmenu.
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    • Click one of the following Home page icons:
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      • Log Search. Open the Search page to search logs.
      • Metrics. Open the Metrics page to create a metrics visualization.
      • Traces. Monitor user activity, span analytics, service maps, and transaction traces between microservices.
      • Live Tail. Viewa real-time live feed of log events associated with a Source or Collector.
      • Explore. See an intuitive visual hierarchy of your environment.
      • Dashboard. Analyze metrics and log data on the same dashboard, in a streamlined user experience.
      • Root Cause. Accelerate troubleshooting and isolate root causes for incidents in your apps and microservices.

View recentdashboards and searches

You see the Home landing page when you first log in to Sumo Logic. The Home page provides an at-a-glance view of the following:

  • Recently opened dashboards
  • Recently run searches
  • Recommended dashboards
  • Pinned searches
  • Recently run metrics

Click the Home icon at the far left ofthe Tab menu bar to return to the Home page at any time.

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View Favorites and add dashboards and searches to the list

You can create a list of favorite dashboards and searches thatappear in the left nav bar. Your Favorites list makesit easy to access your most frequently used dashboards and searches.

To view Favorites and add to thelist, do the following:

  1. To view a list of current Favorites, click the Star icon at the top of the left nav bar. A list of Favorites is shown below.
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  2. To add a dashboard to the Favorites list, open the dashboard, select the three-dot kebab icon atthe top right of the menu bar,and select Favorite from the dropdown list.
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  3. To add a search to the Favorites list, do the following:
    1. Save the search (if not already saved) by clicking Save As, then in the Save Item dialog entera name, description, and selecta folder in which to save the search.
    2. ClickSave.
    3. Click the three-dot kebab icon and clickFavoritefrom the provided options.
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You can share dashboards, searches, and folders with users androles. You can edit the sharing permissions at any time and share orrevoke permissions as needed. You can share content from the following locations:

  • Left nav bar. Recommended when you are familiar with the content and need to quickly share with another user.
  • Library. Recommended when you need a detailed view of the content, who created it, and when it was last modified.

For walkthrough instructions, go tothe Share Content page.

It's easy to view dashboards, searches, and folders that have been shared with you.

To see content that has been shared with you, do the following:

  1. Click the Clock icon atthe top of the left nav bar.
  2. Toggle between Recently Opened By Meor Recently Shared With Me.
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Pin and managesearches

After you start a search, you can“pin” it, and it willrunin the backgroundfor up to 24 hours. If the search doesnot finish in that time frame, it ispaused. You can restart the searchat any time. Search results are available for three days.

There is a limit of ten pinned searches per user. Also, queries that usethesave operatorcannot be pinned.

You must start a search forthe Pin option to appear. Once a search is pinned, it cannot be unpinned, but it can be removed from the Pinned Searches tab.

To pin a search, do the following:

  1. Open aSearch page.
  2. Enter a query in the search box and clickStart.
  3. Click the three-dot kebab icon and clickPinfrom the provided options.
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  4. A message appearstellingyou the location of your pinned searchin the Library.The Pinned Search takes thename of the Search tab by default.
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  5. To change the name of aPinned Search, double-click the Search tab and enter a new name in thename field.

For information on how to manage pinned searches, see the Pinned Searches page.

Manage your personal account preferences

You can manage your personal account settings from thePreferencespage. Thesesettings onlyapply to your account.Changes you make to your preferences take effect the next time you sign in, not during the current session.

To manage your personal Sumo Logic account preferences, do the following:

  1. At the very bottom of the Left Nav Bar, clickyour Account Name.
  2. In the pop-up dialog, select Preferences.
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  3. In the Preferences page that appears on the right, you can modify settings in the following areas:
    • My Profile: username and password
    • My Security Settings:enable and disable 2-stepverification
    • My Access Keys: add, edit, and remove access keys
    • My Preferences: your account session settings

For more information, see thePreferences Page.

Get help: docs, community, and more

Wheneveryou have a question, there are a number of ways in which youcan get the answers you need:

  • Check out our Release Notes:
    • Service
    • Developer
    • Cloud SIEM
    • Collector
  • Search documentation
  • Visit the Learn Page in the Sumo Logic UI
  • Post a question on the Sumo Logic Community
  • Contact Support
  • Try our Customer Slack channel

Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (42)Getting Help

See Getting Help and Contacts for full information.

Admin: Managedata collection, data settings, and alerts

Sumo Logic Administrators (Admins)areresponsible for managing data collection, data settings, and alert monitoring for their organization. You must have Sumo Logic Admin role privileges to perform thesetasks.

Tomanage data in Sumo Logic, do the following:

  1. Go to the left nav bar and click Manage Data.
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  2. Choose from the following, as needed:
    • Collection.Manage collectors and sources.
    • Logs. Manage fields,field extraction rules,partitions,scheduled views,connections, and data forwarding.
    • Metrics. Managemetrics rules, logs-to-metrics, and metrics transformation rules.
    • Monitoring.Monitors,connections, and health events.

Admin: Manage accounts, users, and security

Sumo Logic administrators (admins)manage user accounts, user roles, and security. You must have Sumo Logic Admin role privileges to perform thesetasks.

To administer Sumo Logic accounts, users, and security, do the following:

  1. Go to the left nav bar and click Administration.
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  2. Choose from the following, as needed:
    • Account.View information about your organization's Sumo Logic subscription,enable and manage the data volume index,manage billing.
    • Users and Roles.Manage users and roles.
    • Security.Set password policy for your org,set up security whitelist,manage access keys, manage security polices (audit index,support account access,anddashboard sharing, andset up SAMLauthentication.

Become a Sumo Logic Pro user

Now that you're familiar with the layout and features in the Sumo Logic user interface (UI), you're ready to ramp up your Sumo Logic skills with self-paced training.

You do not have to stop there either. You can take the next step and become Sumo Logic Certified.For more information on theSumo Logic Certification programcourses, go to the Home page, click the Learn tab, and click Get Certified. See Certification FAQs for more information.

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Tour the Sumo Logic UI | Sumo Logic Docs (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.