They are four of
the most common plants we know.
We've always thought that we
controlled them.
But what if, in fact,
they have been shaping us?
We don't give nearly enough
credit to plants.
They've been working on us,
They've been using us,
for their own purposes.
Four plants that have
traveled the road to success,
By satisfying human desires.
The tulip,
By gratifying our desire for
a certain kind of beauty,
Has gotten us
To take it from its origins
in central asia
And disperse it
around the world.
Marijuana, by gratifying our
desire to change consciousness,
Has gotten people
to risk their lives,
Their freedom,
in order to
Grow more of it
and plant more of it.
The potato -- by gratifying
our desire for control,
Control over nature,
so that we can feed ourselves,
Has gotten itself
out of south america
And expanded its range
Far beyond where it was
500 years ago.
And the apple,
By gratifying our desire
for sweetness --
Begins in the forests
of kazakhstan
And is now
the universal fruit.
These are great winners
In the dance of domestication.
A look at nature
The way you've never
seen it before,
With best-selling author
michael pollan.
And this relationship
of the plants,
Learning how to gratify
our desires,
And our working for them
in exchange for this,
Is what I call
"the botany of desire."
It was that
very special week in may,
When the apple trees are in
spectacular bloom,
And they're just vibrating with
the attention of bees.
And I was planting potatoes,
Making my little rows,
And putting in my chunks,
And the bees were working
above me.
And it occurred to me --
You know, what did I have
in common with those bees?
And when you think about it,
Quite a bit.
The bee assumes
It's getting
the best of this deal
With the apple blossom.
It's breaking in,
It's getting the nectar.
And has no idea that it's
picked up this pollen
On the hairs of its thighs
And is transporting it
to another tree
In the garden
or down the street,
Or anywhere else.
So for the bee to think it's
in charge of this relationship
Is really just
a failure of bee imagination.
And I realized I had the same
failure of imagination.
I was working for these potatoes
in some sense.
I was planting them,
I was giving them
A little bit more habitat
than they had before.
And yet I thought I was kind of
calling the shots.
So that's when I had
this thought
That, wouldn't it be interesting
To look at our relationship to
domesticated plants
From the plant's point of view?
Of course, plants don't have
consciousness or intention,
But the act of using
our consciousness
To put ourselves
in their "roots,"
Or shoes, or whatever,
Helps us to see things
from their vantage point.
And when you do that,
Nature suddenly looks
very different.
We realize we're in
the web of nature,
Not standing outside it.
These plants are mirrors
In which we can see ourselves
in a slightly different way.
And as much as this is
a story about plants,
It's a story about human desire.
Good morning,
my name is brian,
Welcome to
poverty lane orchards.
First thing we're gonna do
Is we're gonna head up
into the orchard,
And when we get up there,
about the apples,
And the trees,
and how to pick apples.
For children
in new England,
It's an autumn ritual --
An apple picking expedition
to the local orchard.
Okay, when you guys
are picking the apples,
You want to pick out
nice ripe apples.
And the way to tell
the ripe ones is they're red.
But these children
might never have
Had a chance
to taste apples
Had the apple not found a way to
get us to do its bidding.
Thousands of years ago,
the apple put us to work --
Transporting its genes
From its native ground
in central asia
To the far corners
of the earth.
For a plant to do that,
It has to be awfully
enterprising, willing to adapt
To a great many
different environments,
Willing to experiment with
A great many different
forms and flavors.
Is there a really good red one
up there? What do you see?
it's a fruit iconic
And beloved and used in
a great many different ways.
But the apple has not
always been regarded as
The wholesome fruit
we think of today.
The apple tree
was the great evil plant,
Because people took these apples
and made hard cider,
Which was the main source
of alcohol
In rural america
for many, many years.
The strategy --
the evolutionary strategy
That got it from there
to here --
Involved producing
ever more sweetness.
Okay, here's cup four.
There you go.
If you think it tastes
bad or yucky,
I want you to give it to
oscar the grouch.
Oscar, okay.
So here's cup two.
And if tastes good, I want you
to give it to big bird,
Because he likes things
that taste good.
These children
Part of research
being done on sweetness
At the monell chemical senses
center in philadelphia.
It specializes in the study of
taste and smell.
Good job!
You're doing great.
All right, so I'm going to
give you another one.
Some of the fundamental
things we've discovered are,
hardwired in human beings.
It's built-in, it's innate.
It's not because we feed babies
High levels of sweet
when they're young,
It's part of their biology.
Presumably, our response to
sweet evolved
When sweet things were rare
in the environment,
They were there
in small amounts,
And our biggest problem
was to make sure
We got enough calories
and didn't starve to death.
If a plant was sweet,
That meant it wasn't bitter
and poison,
It meant it was reasonably high
in calories,
Because sugars
are calorie-rich,
And so sweetness is the signal
For something
that's good for us.
Sweetness in nature is
very rare, very special --
It's really limited to
ripe fruit,
And honey,
if you're willing to risk
Going into a beehive.
And apples are a particularly
big, portable,
Long-lasting vessel
for sweetness.
It was here in
The ancient forests
of central asia
That our own pursuit
of sweetness
First brought us into contact
with the apple.
This, scientists say,
Is the apple's genetic home --
The place
where it originated.
These high forests in what is
now the nation of kazakhstan
Gave rise to thousands of
different varieties,
Many of which
still grow here today.
You land in almaty,
the capital of kazakhstan,
And there are apple seedlings
Pushing up through
the broken pavement.
You go up into the hills,
different kinds of apples.
Great big red apples
That look like
large macintosh --
And you'd find these sort of
knotty little green things
That even a rat wouldn't eat.
To see these wild apples
in all their diversity
Is to realize that, in these
forests, this is, you know,
These are god's first drafts of
what an apple could be.
One way the apple
could secure its future
Was by expanding its habitat --