Merit Project Slayers (2025)

1. Ranks | Project Slayers Wiki - Fandom

  • A player's rank reflects one's amount of merit and is displayed above their name. Each rank is earned for every 100 merit points, with the highest ranks ...

  • A player’s rank reflects one’s amount of merit and is displayed above their name. Each rank is earned for every 100 merit points, with the highest ranks being Hashira/Upper Moon. While ranks are based on a player's number of kills and merit points, they are mainly for cosmetic purposes and do not affect a player's overall stats. There are two sets of ranks: one for Demons and another for Slayers. All players start with the rank of Civilian, regardless of race. From there, players can earn race-s

2. What Does Merit Do in Project Slayers? - Answered - Prima Games

  • Jul 29, 2022 · Merit is used to increase in-game rank in Project Slayers. You can get it by defeating Demon Slayer players or beating opponents in PvP matches.

  • Become a warrior of outstanding Merit.

3. What is a Merit in Project Slayers? - Playbite

4. How to Get Merit Points in Project Slayers? - Playbite

  • You can earn Merit Points in Project Slayers by completing daily quests and participating in ranked battles. Keep slayin' those demons and you'll rack up points ...

  • Join factions and complete their specific missions. Winning PvP battles also helps you snag some extra Merit Points. Easy peasy demon squeezy!

5. Features | Project Slayers Wiki - Fandom

  • ... merit. You also lose merit upon death or leaving the server. This merit can be used to increase your rank (the highest for Demon Slayers is hashira and for ...

  • Project slayers combat style: M1 - also known as left-click - Icon L M2 - also known as right-click - Icon R The combo system is similar to GPO's, which will be shown to you in the tutorial of the game. The combos that are known so far are: [AIR COMBOS] Air combos which you can perform by doing the inputs L, R, L, R, L in the game, but something to note is that you can just hold space while doing m1 or m2 to pull it off. [SPECIAL COMBOS] There are two types of special combos, one is performed by

6. What is Merit in Project Slayers? - Pro Game Guides

  • Jul 25, 2022 · To become successful in this dangerous world, you need to prove your worth by solving mysteries, fighting tough enemies, and completing quests.

  • Rise to the top.

7. Ranks - Discuss Everything About Project Slayers Wiki | Fandom

  • Apr 9, 2024 · Project Slayers Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to ... Each rank is earned for every 100 merit points, with the highest ranks ...

  • Project Slayers Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge!

8. Soul - Project Slayers Wiki - Fandom

  • 180 + 360 + 540 + 720 Totaling 1,800 souls(360 player souls),; Human souls Count as 1, Where as Player souls count as 5. Demon Progression Levels ...

  • "Page might have some incorrect or missing information" To level up your "Demon Progression Level" you need to eat souls from either NPCs or Players, Each rank has a certain amount of souls required and it is additive, 180 + 360 + 540 + 720 Totaling 1,800 souls(360 player souls), Human souls Count as 1, Where as Player souls count as 5. Starting point you have no bonuses. Unlocks level 1 demon eyes, access to 4 different horns, and unlocks 5 different skin colors. Human skin colors and human eye

Merit Project Slayers (2025)


How much merit do you need to become a Hashira in project slayers? ›

Merit Range & Rankings
Merit RangeSlayer RanksDemon Rank
900-1000HinoeLower Moon
1000-1100KinotoUpper Moon
9 more rows

How do you farm merit in project slayers? ›

You get Merit Points by being awesome at the game. Just keep playing and you'll get them. From my experience, the fastest way to get Merit Points is by grinding daily missions and constantly participating in ranked battles. Teaming up with friends can also help you win more efficiently.

What is the rarest clan in Project Slayers? ›

Supreme Rarity (0.1% chance to drop)

These are the rarest clans in Project Slayers, and therefore the best as well.

What is the easiest breathing to get in Project Slayers? ›

To obtain Snow Breathing, you will require 5000 Wen, 100 Demon Horns and Level 75, It is the easiest Breathing Style quest in Ouwohana.

Why isn't Tanjiro a Hashira? ›

Why wasn't he turned into a hashira before the end of the series? To be a Hashira, you need to kill 50 demons or a member of the Twelve Kizuki as a Kinoe-ranked Demon Slayer. Obviously, Tanjiro killed Enmu and Gyutaro but he was still not Kinoe at those times so he never made it up.

What rank is Tanjiro? ›

During this Arc, it is revealed that Tanjiro had climbed up the ranks even further, obtaining the rank of Hinoe (the eighth rank of the Demon Slayer Corp).

How rare is a Haori in Project Slayers? ›

These Haoris are drops from Tier 3 & 5 chests in Ouwohana for 5% chance from Tier 5 chest & 2.5% chance from Tier 3 chest. And Mugen Train Legendary chest for 100% chance.

What is the best family in Project Slayer? ›

Agatsumo. This is truly the best clan in the game. It speeds up breath bar regeneration, and it has sunlight immunity, so players in demon form will no longer take damage. Besides this, stamina regenerates twice as fast, and it has some other cool skills.

Does Project Slayers have pity? ›

No pity system in Project Slayers. Get ready to grind and get lucky.

What is the strongest breathing style in project slayers? ›

Thunder Breathing is undoubtedly one of the, if not the best, Breathing Styles in Roblox Project Slayers. Players who prefer evasive movement and inflicting tremendous damage during fights can happily choose the Thunder Breathing Style.

What is the easiest boss in Project Slayer? ›

Akeza/Rengoku is the easiest boss to get drops from if you can actually beat him, he gives a tier 5 chest rather than a tier 1-3 like most bosses, AND he is there all the time, unlike the demon bosses who burn at day.

How much is Max breathing in Project Slayers? ›

You will unlock level 2 after reaching 180 Breathing Progression Points. Your Breathing Limit will increase to 95 at this level, and your breath capacity meter will no longer drop down to zero over time. On Level 3, you will reach Total Concentration Breathing, where your breath capacity will reach 115.

What are the requirements for Hashira? ›

There are two known methods that allow one to prove that they are worthy of becoming a Hashira:
  • Accumulate a demon kill count of at least 50.
  • Slay a demon who is a member of the Twelve Kizuki (Demon Moons).
May 7, 2021

What rank do you have to be to be a Hashira? ›

The Hashira, the peak of the Corps' strength, rank at a level beyond even Kinoe. To qualify for this prestigious title, a Demon Slayer must attain the rank of Kinoe and slay either 50 demons or a member of the Twelve Kizuki.

How much is the salary of a Hashira? ›

When a demon slayer undergoes promotion/demotion, their new salary will be noted down as soon as possible. It should also be well-noted the¥50.000 the Hashira receive annually is a modifiable amount, as the Hashira can and will be paid more (or less) if and when they request so for whatever reason.


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.