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3 NUMBER 196 KANSAS CITY RnMYiDECEMBER 16 1887 AWUL TALE DISASTER SHORT LIVED GOVERNMENT OPPOSITION TO MR LAMAR tv REDUCTION IN IMPORT DOTIES John RENCH AAIRS STRICTLY IRST CUSS The JEWELRY' sued by 2d 26 DIAMONDS! WATCHES! nr AflU0 Bronzes LLUlllb scrupulous and snmial the Radical caucus Laugh tcrl The National League was the most formidable organization the government had ever had to deal with but it feared IC fcr 9 unaerstumi tnatiuey are uoironwuuwu wi vanced posts but for the concentration of troops A wu Pro' ance at the map th'w close scheme AV and with THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE LIKELY TO REPORT ADVERSELY box at venue making (no dally Ison and lety 4 nlghi ifteent i wcr 3 same caders best ys the more ctation $750 tickets Nebraska 3 round ill Mis Limited rree Buffet Tendered tee and soon (It has meeting lontrlbu should 8 gO tC JI heli irncr elected ber BP when maga year le this in the wn up nough What fifteen er the Ml in ical as lading I meet raphic office Union depots Igcnt THE RENCH CABINET H7LL NOT HOLD TOGETHER MANY DAYS X5 Kbsrj aarnb nt lb cd Hi A Tt b'b st dli I Solitaire Rings and Earrings in finely se lected pairs Beautiful combinations of Dia monds with other pre cious stones The most select line in Kansas City A MOST APPALLING LOSS LIE and property recorded Tha Ago of the Gentlomnn Assigned as the Principal Beason for Unfa vorable Action on His Nomination Committee New Ap Bules Proposed Etc alllercs Begnrded as the Comln JIan Ths Condition of the Boyal Patient nt Snn Judge Cole ridge Choked on a Lozenge The Great Eastern Miscellaneous oreign Affairs A large assortment nf all grades and makes Jeweled Watches of especial beauty pur chased for the Holiday trade Chains and Charms in unsurpassed variety of styles Chn th i i wbl( trike crag IU BO WOI Idlng le i Jwble Ta dlrf On the necessaries of life as recommended so strongly by the President is not at all liable to affect those articles commonlyonsidered and although Watches Diamonds and other articles im ported by the Jewelry Trade are not classed by the Government anon" the ne cessities do not people so consider them during the Holiday season? The need in Kansas City has been a place where a specialty is made of certain arlicles of the Jewelry business The knowledge of such need is what induced us to establish a opened in London of £3 5s which was the day by an additional A large line of the finest JL a rifle i5ronzes seiectea care 812 Main Street Times Building Age 2( 24 The Treasure Trove St John New Brunswick Dec The story of the finding of a buried treasure nt St Martins has caused a sensation The amount of the find up to the present time is stated to be several bushels Only two persons are acquainted with the location of the treasure One of these was in the city yesterday and bad an interview with Cashier Gcrvin of the Bank of New Brunswick with a view of ascertaining the value of the find and bow to realize on it He told Gcrvin that it was in the shape of spade guineas bearing dale of 1765 Mnrine New York Dec Arrived: Steamer England from Liverpool Queenstown Dec Arrived: Steamer Italy from New York Southampton Dec Arrived: Steamer Ems from New York for Bremen Genoa Dec Arrived: Aueba New Or leans Shields Dec Arrived: Crown Prince New Orlean A Hotel Blown Down TIAX Los Angeles Cal Dec A heavy wind piB5 vailed yesterday at Crescent a neat town 10 mi north of here and a hotel wlt sixteen inmates blown down Mrs Clementina Arnold and her year old daughter were killed All the others yd1" i I VOLUME XXX A Copper Bind North Adams Mass Dec Tho geograph ical surveyors working In this section this season found a rich outcrop of copper In the vicinity of Stamford Vt which they proceeded to develop They now have a shaft sunk Io a considerable depth with such results that work has been pushed vigorously It is not yet certain how rich the find vm nrnvn co ue out luiibh who dui iuuudi ui luu scheme well satiaP A An Incalculable Number of Chinese Drowned by the Overflow ing of Ycl Jow Blver While Millions ot Other are Homeless and Details ot the Disaster Learned on the Ar rival of the Steamship City ot Sid ney at San rancisco OWEN JEWELRY STATIONERY COMPANY Programme Washington Dec The reports which have been circulated in various quarters with more or less assertion of authority that Ran dall if he receives the chairmanship of tho com mittee on appropriations will do so under the pledge that dc will not obstruct the reporting on passage of a tariff bill can however on the best possible authority be denied Randall has made no promises and Carlisle has ex acted none It is understood however from some of near friends that he does not in tend to prevent the reporting or considering of any tariff bill which may be reported from the comm it tee on ways and means: he will however attempt to defeat any tariff bill which is not in harmony with his views Affirmative counter propositions which he expects will receive the support of the majority of lhe house Randall will obstruct for the sake of obstructing Committee Work Washington Dec The house committee on elections organized and held its first meetings to day Almost without discussion the committee resolved to take ud the Timls Carllsle contested Washington Dec It has been assumed that Lamar would be confirmed associate justice of the supreme court of the United States although there would be considerable opposition Il Is still believed that he will be confirmed but it fs not so certain that be will receive a favorable report from the committee on the judiciary Some of friends in fact are apprehensive that he will not and do not conceal their apprehension They go so far as to state that they are quite cer tain four votes will be against him In the commit tee and they greatly fear that a fifth vote will be cast As the' committee consists of only nine mem bers if these apprehensions are well foundedthere will be a majority report against bls confirmation The opposition to Mr Lamar does not far a can be ascertained run along the lines generally supposed The opposition is not political In char acter Senators who have talked with as much freedom as senators generally do talk about mat lets which are certain to come up In executive session say what may be called the Southern ar gument is not used but that the points which arc used and practically with the greatest force with the judiciary committee are the fact that Lamar Is past 60 years old and some of the old lawyers in sist that be Is what they are pleased to term a belles lettres lawyer a professor of law without any very extended experience at the bar and with out any experience on tbe bench and that a lustice of the supreme court in their opinion should be a man who had devoted more of bls life to law either at the bar or on the bench and less cf it to literature and politics The committee on the judiciary about four years ago come to an agreement which was not a role of the senate in any sense and not necessarily binding upon the committee but has since that time been regarded by senators who are on that committee as In effect a rule That rule was that lhe committee would not report favorably for any position upon the federal bench a man who was past 60 years old and this resolution rule or agreement was supported by Pugh a Democrat who is still a member ot tbe committee and who some of the friends of Lamar fear will agree upon an adverse report upon tbe nomination But many rears have passed since the judiciary constituted the senate of tbe United Slates The report of a slender majority of a small committee at one time when the party majority in the senate was large and party discipline was stricter was equivalent to a final vote in the senate But the conditions now are very different and lhe judiciary committee is not infrequently overridden iu its decisions by tho senate In fact a good many of tbe younger class of sen ators are somewhat restive at what they consider (he domineering position of the judiciary com mittee and it is said to have not unfrequently hap pened that that committee is voted down its de cision because some of tbe members of the newer element in tbe senate are anxious to show the com mute that It is not the master of the senale ami the most experienced observers are of the opinion that even if tho report of tho judiciary committee shall be averse Lamar will nevertheless be con firmed 71TEU PATENT nntwmk of railway corer tb strict a Ion Uusslen frontier compared with lh I laIi ullcnn number of railway Hint Rural can roly Mi only from Germany bul from tbe frontier Uu aiiui torniory I menaced with luMlon I be ml etfeettvo measure against thia ''aimer 0W I i lend the UumIhu railways until ihef portions ot those of our neighbors II enormous expense linn Is therefore there I only eno Improve our defense ami increa th" troops un lhe frontier and thereby guard Mulnst sur nrlse Our Increiwod mihtry lions in 1SS compelled Ktissla to devise measure wlileh will be gradually trauslerof a few cavalry reginieil on the might certainly be made the pretext to excite tbe press and public opluiou charge Uus'la with war taS'Aln Mand the defensive character of this can calmly calculate bow many corps Russia ni have to send to the frontier while peace is unj turbed so that alter concentratiiiK at any given point the forces and means at ur disposal might suffice to on a footiug of equality with her They can also calculate the strength the rics with which In the event ol war Russia coum ue rapidly invaded They cun Mill hope by turn tu win comparatively cheap iaur al a ut ten Rushan military officers who do not UL lunate issue ot a conrtlct even if lha peace league moved out against Kitssta never theloss openly recognize that the defense ut 'Lussjn territory is not yet assured and if the pe 122 consider iuvlf Justified in developing its dele nslve measures so far as to bring certain hu wan distr leu under the range of the guns of its must forts Russia has lhe undoubted right to pnwtdc rt her tiefuuae and to lake every measure to upho i her honor and maintain tbe inviolability of her territon Appointments Washington Dec Tbe president has sent to tho senate another long list of nominations of post masters who were appointed during tbe recess of the senate among them the following: Donald McCuag Nebraska City Neb Constantine Gallagher Omaha Neb: Knox San Bernard ino Cal A Norman Snn Diego Cal Masters Pasadena Cal Mary Hughes resno City Cal A Preuss Los Angeles Cal Love Colorado Springs Col William Judd argo DT Daniel linn Mandan Harrett Salt Lake City The following named fourth class postoffices will be raised to tbe third or presidential class Jan uary 1 next: Malvern Ark Julesburg Col Lead City Da kota Newton HL Waverly Ill Winchester 111 Orange Citv la Cherokee Kas Hickman Ky Corunna ilicb ort Gratiot Micb Imlay City Mich Mauistibue Mich Chatfield Minn Preston Minn: Tower Minn Biloxi Miss Marysville Montana Culbertson Neb South Omaha Neb Kingston Loudonvile McMinnville Or Ephrata Pa Hummelstown Pa Lehighton Pa Newville Pa Barkers Landing Pa Sayre Pa Sbeafield Pa Watkins burg Pa: Dayton Tenn Cameron Tex Kil bourne City Wis Brines Accusations Aealnst the Priests Dublin Dec United Ireland declares that the government has secured Monsignor aid in restraining the Irish priests from offering opposition to the government who as an equiva lent will endow a Catholic university receive a papal envoy and send an ambassador to the Vati can The Sorghum Sugar Controversy to be Investigated Washington Dec The controversy which has been pending since last spring between the sorghum manufacturers of Kansas and tbe commissioner of agriculture will be settled by the United Stales courts if the attor ney general of the United Stales be of the opinion that a suit can be maintained against the holder of the patent for the diffusing process There is no subject in recent years which has ex cited so much general interest among agricultur alists of tbe sorghum producing belt as the patent for tho manufacture of sorghum sugar by the diffusing process which was granted to one Swenson This gentleman is an expert employed by the bureau of agriculture for tbe purpose of ex perimenting as to the best methods of making sugar from sorghum cane He was paid his salary by 'lhe government furnished with an expensive plant for bis experiments and all of the appliances ny means of which his discovery was made were furnished at the expense of the government While engaged in these experiments Swenson discovered what is known as the process ot making sugar from sorghum syrup oyamuMon ewt usuii Hav ing discovered this process under the circum stances indicated made application for a patent and obtained it within a period of time so short as to surprise those who have to wait the tedious delays of the patent office While other inventorshave been required to wait for months for the granting of the application for their patents Swenson scarcely had to wait days and he immedi ately began to require tbe sorghum producers in the states to pay him a royalty for his patent The farmers of Kansas are in open rebel lion at this and the commissioner of agriculture has denounced the patent claiming the invention of right belongs to the government Senator Plumb has succeeded in securing pass age through the senate of a resolution which di rects the attorney general to bring suit to cancel the patent of Swenson if in his opinion such suit can be sustained THE CARLISLE CONTEST election case and noJco wiiib Issued to the con testants or their attorney to appear before the committee at their next mating when the time for beginning tho consideration of the case will bu filed Tbe committee adjourned to next Tuesday Beyond a general desire to speedily dispose of tho Tbobe Cariisle case there was no intimation dur ing tho days proceedings of the order in which tbe contested election cases now before tho committee will be considered Tbe senate commRtao on Commerce to day ap pointed Messrs Emma Vest Coke Cullom and Palmer as a tubcomniittoie to whom shall bo re ferred all executive nominations which may require any investigation ip The nomiuMions of Secretory airchild Assist ant Secretary Maynard and Treasurer Hyatt have been favorably reported from tho senate finance committee A New Bule Proposed Washington Dec 15 Special de lay in the appoint incut of tbe house committee on rules for which by tbo way there to really no ex Is likely to cause an unnecessary waste of time In congress Among the changes in the rales that tho Democrats will try to make Is one providing that lol members shall constitute a nuornm in tho committee of the whole and'tbat the committee of the whole may reetore its quorum when unpaired without rising and reporting to lhe bouse No such amend ment as this can be agreed to without a great deal of debate It Is the purpose of the Democrats by this change to remove one of their embarrassments to their slender majority With only fifteen margin in so large a body there will often be occa sions when it will be impossible for them to agree to matters to which the Republicans are solidly op posed if a Democratic majority of the whole house has to be present The Committee Quarrel Washington Dec A friend of imjnaiK'uoiiBcpnOTitiivuuwu ir uv rv Senator Butler of South Carolina makes tbe fo tivc tiullctin concerning his investigation Till to appropriate 15000 for the state exhibition of lorida Cutting Down Expenses i Washington Dec A plan devised by Assist I ant Secretary Maynard of the treasury depart ment and approved by Secretary airchild for a reduction of tbo expenses of collecting tbe cus toms revenues will be put into effect on tho 1st i of Jauoary next In speaking of the subject to day Judge Maynard said: are now 139 coflectiortpllstricto In the United States Io sixty fourot these the revenues are much less than tho 1 expenses or Instance there are forty four i a is trie is in inc iuun umcnwus exceed S5000 while the expenditures aggregate i 195000 In the other twenty non self supporting districts tbe collections are toss than 82501) and the expenditures amount to 852000 Tbe expend itures of these offices will be reduced by 1115835 a rear principally bv dismissals and also by reduct ions of salaries iu several instances Orders for these changes to take effect the beginning of tho new year have already been Tho saving to be effected will aggregate about 110000 yearly The offices to be effected together with tbe amount of reduction al each are as fol lows: Alexandria Va Annapolis Md I14V: Apalachicola la 12151 Reaufort Beaufort SCtCs: BrktaetonN 8X0 Bristol and Warren I flhath Burlington IM Bel fast Me flGib Dunkirk H21 Eastern Crw Heid Nd JI: Kvansvllto Ind KS2 Empire City Ore HAS ort Benton UfiS ernaudi Ma fi32): airfield and Bridgeport Conn Great Harbor NJ $1439 Georgetown 8 IS Galena 111 Jacksonville Ma Little Epg Harbor $1419 Burlington la IdU Humboldt Cal $318: Lacrosse Wis I2j2: Cher rystone Va Petersburg Va $30S5 Glouces ter Mass $4814 Newburyport Mass 2: Mn tuckot Mass Na shvilfe Teirn I2 Newark 11113 Newport I Paulicot aco Me I5T4 Stonington Conn Idto St Marys Ga Tappahannock Va TUT Teche La fcwJ WlscMsset Me $1514 York Me I2T: Iquama Ore 43 Marble head Mass fTildi Vicksburg $299 Ellsworth Me Pi Mo II 12a Grand Haven Mich JlsTrt Edserlvwn Mass IL2S4 Brazus De Santiago Tex Albemarle 11132 Sandusky $10X1 superior Portland Mu $12 tOM Brunswick Ga Cas tine Me $2 Ha2 Portsmouth Tl Bncljje port Conn $236 Waldoboro Me 8t Mark la $2814 Cape Vincent Arqolook Me $2 Barnstable Mass ag Harbor NV Erie Pa H2J5 Wllxlnuwn $2800 Duluth Minn fcjJ Mobile Am JoJ ShieldsboroMlss 11095 Tho Norquay Government Id Danger Washington Dec Sir Charles Tupper who left here a few days ago ostensibly to go to Ottawa has gone to Manitoba and Eastern fisheries must wall while Western Conservatives In tbe provinces are helped out of a very bad hole It has oeen said here in the past few days that Premier Norquay of Manitoba Is in a very bad way politically and unless energetic and even de perate resorted to the downfall of lb? Norquay ministry is inevitable on tlc 12tli of January Tbe Red River railroad Is at tbe bottom of the whole tbmg When HoR the capitalist who built sixty seven miles of the Hudson Bnv railroad offered to the Red River road for $3W00iW Norquay told the people to go ahead and ra se the money and he would make ou: the contract Tbo people of Ir nipeg took IlSUXO of tbo sum and the city itself had I1NNC more in its sinking lurd which coud be used lor tic purpose of completing the buiu while both the Radicals and Conservatives have beer equally down on tbe Ottawa geverumert since its disallowance of Manitoba's Red River road Norquay has always boon supcciel of leaning toward the government and it began to be whispered that the contract which Norquay bad made with Holt contained a clause nnl lAhn npiv rnnri nvnr to thn Canadian 1 acilc to efecapc the oppression ot wnico tue roan was bcingbiilt Norquay refused to tot anyone see this contract and Winncpeg withheld tbo money Norquay held power by but one majority in lhe legislature and when sometime ago one of his con servative supporters charged him with undermin ing the peoples interests he could do nothing but call a session of the legislature ThaLwill meet cn lhe twelfth of next month and if looks very much as if the Norqnny government would be beaten A Manitobian who is in tbe city says if Norquay goes to tbe country tbe Radicals or will come into power by an overwhelming majority and that the strongest kind of annexation agitation will he started The condition of aflaltB is beginning to worry tbe government at Ottawa fora victory in Manitoba means a loss of three Conservatives in parliament and Sir John Macdonald is said to need all his working force in parliament The facts have been communicated to Tupper who is minister of railroads and he has gone to Manitoba to see if some compromise on the railroad question cannot be affected and the Nor quay government saved The Irishmen Honored Washington Dec Sir Thomas IL Grattan Esmonde and Mr Arthur member of parliament called on the White house to day in company with Representatives Collins ot Massa chusetts and McShane of Nebraska for the pur pose of paying their respects to the president The cabinet was iu session when they arrived and it looked as though they would be kept waiting for some time The doorkeeper however consented to take in their cards al once but did not hold out much hope of success Thereupon Mr Collins wrote brief note to tbe president explaining their errand and promising if received not to de tain him very long The doorkeeper took this to the president who directed him to show the visit ors into his private library where he said he would see them in a few minutes They proceeded to the room indicated and had just seated themselves when the president entered by the door leading to the cabinet room and received the visitors most cordially Tbe introductions were made by Mr Collins and a short informal conversation followed As they were leaving the mansion Mr Collins said to an Associated Press reporter that they made the visit for tbe sole purpose of paying their respects and he was very much pleased at the consideration shown by the president in leaving the cabinet meeting to receive them The visitors will be en tertained at a oanquei io uigni uuu hhi luavu Washington to morrow for Chicago Messrs Esmonde and were to night tendered a banquet at by members of the house of representatives of Irish descent About fifty members of congress were present DEPttTifflT fn which department we are rapidly ac quiring tbe enviable reputation long ago gained in our STATIONERY AND EN GRAVING business 3 The Watch Dog Wants to Quit New York Dec A Washington special to the Herald says Representative Holman has re quested that he be not reappointed to the appro priation committee but that he be given a place ou some committee having no control whatever over the expenditure of public money He expressed a preference for the public lands committee and it is probable that the chairmanship of that commit tee will bo given him Managers of Theaters Taught Their Responsibility Paris Dec Tbe trial of those who were held responsible for the burning of the Opera Comique which occurred lust Muy was concluded to day Carvacho tbe manager of the theater was sen tenced to throe imprisonment and fined 200 francs ireman Andre was sentenced to one imprisonment Tho rest were acquitted The declaration of the ministers was read in the chamber of deputies to day It declares that the cabinet's sole ambition is to continue the work of concord begun December 3 The country will per ceive that thh policv will insure the pledge of In ternal peace The declaration cites the military financial economic and ministrative and social measures that the government will submit The chamber of deputies passed to day by a vote of 521 to 13 the three provisional credits demanded by the government The declaration promises a financial equilibrium through retrenchment in expenditures: measures for the repression of frauds injurious alike to the treasury and to the rench trade bills dealing with the responsibility for accidents in workshops and factories and the regulation of hours of labor of children and women: bills providing for a su perannuation fund for miners and bills relating to benefit societies savings banka organized poor relief in rural districts and fur tbe extension of amcnlturnl education the creation of chambers of agriculture and the completion of the rural code inally the declaration demanded the united Republican vote upon the ministerial scheme of military legislation The reading of the deciura lion was received with indifference IRELAND An Elaborate Wedding Ceremony Washington Dec rank Gor don a son of Governor Gordon of Georgia was married this afternoon to Miss Georgianna Kil bourn a daughter of Uailet Kilbourn a well known Washingtonian and president of the Even ing Critic Company Gordon early in the adminis tration was made chief of the division of public surveys in the general land office but he could not pull along with Sparks and later took a position as law clerk in the office of the assistant commis sioner which position he resigned just before demise Since Sparks resigned however it is said Gordon' has become an active candidate for the posi tion of assistant commissioner of the land office provided Slockslager is promoted to be commis sioner Hallct Kilbourn is the gentleman who was locked up by an order of the house during tbe investigation of the district ring matters as ro calcirant witness and he afterwards secured throe separate verdicts for damages to a large amount against Sergeant at Arms Thompson Kil bourn was many vears ago a partner in the milling business at Akron with Taylor now tbe representative in congress from old dis trict The wedding was one of tbe most elaborate ceremonies ever in Washington Halifax Novia Scotia Dec 15 Symondk iron foundry iu Dartmouth is in flames The loss will be heavy tine 1 5 rr1 rnn yiu0n18 CV UV uuuui snmed together with four buildings containing tha JUy it entire equipment of the establsbmenL lhe loss is $60 (M): iusuntnee 86000 Syracuse Dec 15 Sabry whole sale bats and Barton cigar manufacturer wnffered 845000 loss by fire to night NfwYork Dec lames ctid $70000 damage to ntobt to tbe tenants of tbe six storied brick bnlld'iniT No 84 Mercer rtreet 7 clothiers iu! dry "oods dealer Imroedmtelv I afterwards fire wu discovered nt No 44 Broad way occupied bv Lauer notions and David Marks Son wholesale cloinmg Damage to the IZ A amount of 8100000 was done 11Z1 Jacksonville la Dec 15 Ths afternoon fire broke out in hardware store at bl Au engine Tbe flames spread rapidly to the build ns cast mid southeast under the influence of sje strong wind and destroyed a number ofi busings on the south side of the plaza Loss 8200000 in stirance SG0000 Hamblm Co are tbe chief 1100000 A Hunting Accident Broken Bow Neb Dec 15 James Rankin a I ljK younir farmer living near here started out on the morning of December 10 for a bunt in a When he had reached a point in the woods about half a mile from his bouse bis double bar relcd shot gun slipped off the seat and in attempt' in' to draw it toward him the hammer caught both loads were discharged into bl heart HUjg clothing caught fire from the flash and was bnrnec off with the exception of the overshoes and a palj of felt boots The remains were discovered ycstcr day in the seat of tbe sleigh about a quarter of mile from tbe main road iu tbe woods His ngh aaao hand still held the reins firmly and the bores wcr standing at the edge of a deep ravine 1 hey ha been without food since tbe accident occurred an had gnawed the sleigh tongue nearly in two A Horrible Death Baltimore Dec 15 illlam Dunlap employe of William Rush 1720 Lancaster 6trec0 'Lt 1 Hz ntlninnlad met wun a norriuie uvwtu iv vurv jump from a drawbridge that was being row out ot the street line and was caught between loe bridge and tbe abutment His body we drawldwell tbroiiaha space of dec and one halt inches at was wedged in there His intestines were expos and he was terribly lacerated He died lo utgl bouth Dunlap came from New York stalo a few wecu Assigned Wichita Kab Dec 15 Special Dun bar carriage manufacturer formerly Kelly Dunbar to day gave a mortgage ot 116028 cover tg his Indebtedness to Kansas City St Louis and Chleaeo Arms from whom he had made purchases pt stock la considered as practicably an Tho Hatters Naw Tons Dec 15 District AsBembly No 123 (natters) of the Knight ot Labor held a secret nesting here last night It was said that a new Mil of prices was considered Tho assembly uUdrad Its faith to Mr Powderly and sent him dispatch ttttplngXorhlsspeaaytiseoTerr Sas nAitnsco Dec The stcsmshlp City ot Sydney srrired this stternoon from Bong Kong and Yokohama Chinese papers give details of a disaster occ sloncd by the Yollow river overflowing Iu bank In the province of Hona end describe It as one ot THE MOST APPALLING OCCURRENCES In loss of Ute and property recorded In recent times The river broke Ita banks on tbe evening ot September 28 southwest ot the city of Ching Chow and not only COMCLKTEl rSCBDATtD THAT CITT but also ten other populous cities The whole area I now a raging sea ten to thirty feet deep where It was once a densely populated and rich plain Tbe former bed ot the Yellow river I now dry and the present lake was tho bed ot tho river cuturlcs The loss of life is Incalculable and the statement is made by missionaries that millions ot Chinese ARE HOMELESS AND STARVING Thomas Paton one of tbo American missionary writing from Uonu province under date ot October 26 says: newly gathered crop? houses and trees are all swept away Involving a fearful lor of life The country was covered with a fine winter braid which Is gone and implies complete destruction to next years crop BREAD IS THE CRT ot thousands who are on tho river bank Benevo lent people go In boat and throw bread among the masse here and there bul It I nothing compared with the requirements The mass ot people la still being increased by continual arrivals even more hungry than the laU There they Bit bundled hungry and dejected WITHOUT A RAG TO WEAR or a morsel of food Many hut are being erected for them What It will be In two months I cannot conceive The misery is increased owing to tho bitter cold Yellow river has long been known ns China sot row and the present disaster has served to reas sort it right to tbe terrible title As yet detail ot the disaster arc very meager It ba occurred tn a district wnere few foreigners are and the furnished by the officials and published Ui tht Pekin Gazette convey A VERY INADEQUATE ACCOUNT of the extent of the loss of life and property and the sufferings of the survivors rIbe go'rnotiu hlonua reports to the throne that neuny all tho people have been drowned in the district reached jy the water tho survivors being those who ca eaped to the high ground or took refuge In tree! wl pre they rvnthwd until they wererescued i ivto rivou nut irttitf it uitr? 'ii extent of thedlsarter really is The 7tm eavs that in me provmvv uu a iraniwintionM have also occurred there uro ouo people homeless representing those whose r' 1 i kpu thnf tlm mittrv in lives were aesitvjtit tuv that province is tnihng as compared with that caused by Hnango Ho or the lellow river the extent of grovnd swept er bv the flood given iu English figures is over (nno square miles and lhe land thus submerged formed a part of one of the richest and most densely popu Ptoil of Northern China The nece ty foi HberaVaidmay therefore be imagined Alreadv considerable sums have been contributed toward rellcc the sufferers The emperor uf Chin has elven ot taels and the Chinese hava started subscription lists In Shanghai to which foreigner have liberally contributed Millions have been rendered bomelessandentlrely deprived 01 CHANCES OrtABNIXtl THEia LlVElJttOOn for their Helds will either become permanent lakes or uninhabitable swamp It I feared Hint the dis which will be felt during the coming winter will equal In Intensity the famine of ten years ago when charitable donation contributed to from all parts of the world were utterly inadequate It is stated that owing to the action taken by the 5 ellow river it no longer flow toward tho sea but scorn con tent in converting Esstern llonna and Northers Nganwbul into a lake It may ultimately flow the sea through the Kiangon or it may even pos sibly join the Yang Kiang Summit Losses Summit Mo Dec 15 (Special Here with find a svnopsi and approiimato losses in tbf lire this morning Dr Lee loss 100 inuo ancc $150 LU Spencer drugs loss enrance Collins Anderson loss on bul 1 in' about laio on slock of hardware fell fully covered bv insurance Donahew Noland hard los'homlnal A Iles groceries loss on building insurance SM slock feuUtl in surance 100 Howard building loss fe IHX1: insurance fl 250: will rebuild (tamer bakery on natures flbfl: no insurance Sampson on buildings JO: Insiiranee W9tO licker Martin los ou buildings fc500 in surance fl 200 Hr Thortonloasmi no insurance Hr Strother fullv f)0 no insurance Benjamin Strother instirarico agent olllce Allures no insurance Masonic loJec records and Moore OR building in Riirnnce 875 5tock insurance SGOO Carr Wood groceries insurance 81800 Cooper Co butcher? losses are nominal Mrs Yocam milliner loss about 850(0 uo insurance Dr Austin dry goods was the greatest sufferer bavin" recently come here from St Louis and bad iust received a very largo stock and was jaat De Eotlatlng for additional insurance Estimated loss 815 000 Insurance 87(x) ith a few minor losses thus ends the second experience with big fires London Dor 15 Tlio declaration of the rench cabinet to demand as a question of confidence three provisional credits does not meet with favor among Radicals of either chamber The teller are however silent at present but are only bidiug their time and quietly working against the present ministry The event is not far off when they will accoinpl Isb ils downfall and it Tirardte cabinet holds cr the passage of tbe provisional estimates it will be a matter uf surprise to everybody elliercs who was prevailed upon to accept the ministry of justice in tbe now cabinet as senator escapes lhe direct critictoms of ibe chamber which Is unsparingly levelled al his conferees Thus be may be able to strengthen his position aud when the shortly looked for collapse of mln I istry occurs nllleres will perhaps bo tbe man I to lake up the reins cf government I Tbe newspapers both here aud on tbe Continent are full of fears and hopes for lhe crown prince but nothlnu is definitely known of the condition of the imperial patient al San Remo To morrow mornins Dr Mackenzie will make a thorough ex amination of the throat and issue a post i i i I lowing statement as to the quarrel in the senate Lbeti all tetesirams regarding the case are Lhe result over the special postal telegraph committee: of mere speculation In the Democrat Ic caucus several subjects upon The corporation of the ci ty ofLoj11 to which a request fur an additional select committee presen ta siher uivual of the mptrnil hut lute to mtelH be based were meniioned and the postal tete the Prince and Princess of ales on tbe occasion graph question was regarded as one of the most ini jCjr Sver wedding which will take place ou ponant measures to come beiore tbe present congress nj (tf neX March vnator Harris consnlted Edmunds and Hoar who i)ra the ittinu of court to day Chief Justice appear to be the Heptibhcen steering ftn(1 tn the senate and fiduiunds remarked that it would Coleridge sudden wiinoni epcahine iu be agreeable to him to hove the matter considered by tagecred tu the door uf tbe court room creatin select ccniiniute A rough draft ot the member qU0 sensation among those pres ship of the committee was made up of the 1 ollowtmr en( Several physicians wbo fortunately names: Butler ccairman German Hearst Edmunds near bv were summoned and hastily went to and Cullom ome time after hdmutids tnfoi med They soon discovered Butler that certain Republican senators while not Lora goici loit awiaa uu a hU ubleeting to the totter being assigned to the ehair that a small lozenge had become lodged in mnnsbip suggested that the Republicans were tn hfcrouL and refusing to go up or down was causiiqtitled to a minority representation There was io victim acute pain and great difficulty In breath objection to that proposition ao that mailer was re jJfr qql0Uh rently strangled he was quickly re garded as settled iteved froin this anhcvanec and returning to lhe The Postniasiers Convention 'olilV'mo'retlie licrsell Washington Dec At tbe postmasters con tinie jn an auction sale at Liverpool Theifiliou this rooming ore delegate each state immense steamship was knocked down to a pur reprinted Wa appointed a a national comniiHea dia lor that tha A commlitce to dratt and take charge of tbo bib to prrtniof the price which be presented to conpre vya arpcnted The con the saic wa withdrawn venliou then subject lo tbo ca of lhe oj tie (seililS minister of national committee held at Manchester to day protested against lite action of lhe British government in rc Clilneso Couvessloxis Revolted nation to Ireland Dec 15 Mr Denby American The board ot guardian for Kiidysart has re minder to Clina has written a letter to Secretary solved to of "th" bayard saying that whatever concessions had been The meeting will be held with made to the Barker Mitkicwicz syndicate have ocueddoois since been revoked bv the Chinese government The case of James McHenry who is connected the Atlantic Great Western railroadagainH The ederation of Labor Bcurv Louis Bischcoffsheim the banker in whch BkiTUtons Dec 15 Amending the tho former "'f report on the constitution occupied the entire (jay by tbe magistrate McHenry was afternoon and at adjournment it was unfinished iy unable to prove the truth of his charges An hour or more was IokL in discussing Hie last corporation nTtbe city of London to day clause of forty lines in the preamble an attempt volcd ujc freedom of ibe city to the Marquis of beinsr made to confine formation of tho American nnrtingtOn in recognition of Ills services In de federatiou of labor to trades his was frustrated (eUj5C of the empire The Glndstonian members But the federation must be composed of trade ami of tl)c corporation opposed tbo motion The labor organizations organized under the trade (orma vote showed a meager minority union system of organization Considerable do Lord Itosebury speaking at Huddersfield to day baie was caused by a motion to amend the consti in advocacy ot home rule pointed out that if tblion to as to require everv organization con lhc government of the United States had sus ixc ted with tbe federation to obtain a charter from pen(id the constitution of any one of the states tne A of meeting without the opposition from hc wouid never have been able to bring the civil the typographical delegates who said that they (o a 81jCccssfuHs ue because the other states would not take a charter from any national or woo)d not have joined in coercing one of the sister garization other than their own inally in defer lafg hiu representation Lord Roscbury said ence to the typos the words of mem was auaarous to the present condition of homo were substituted for The I rufc question of representation brought out tho bone of Jrd Randolph Churchill made a speech to day contention that caused great travail at Columbus ftt Stockport lie denied that tbe government was last year A tilt occurred between rrcsidenl rciUctant to meet parliament On the contrary he Gompers and Delegate Holland of St Louis on m( Inuch bud happened during tbe recess of account of the ruling Gompcrs was bar Hbteb the ovcrnmciit might be proud The pros rassed considerably by members during tbo after cls of fniontots were bright and prom noon because ot hte deciaioD The cbargp made in ll5jnK their position since the failure section two of article four is a slap ut the Khigbts ()f (ho round table negotiations had of Labor The acction as amended tha word become well defined Lord Harlinglontestatement italicised being a new addition reads LJm lje aijianfP between the Unionists and Con this: organization which ha? seceded or has would continue to be a close one was the been expelled from any local national or interna I cardinal feature of the recess Ho regretted to 1 tional organization connected with the federation there could be traced to Mr shall be allowed a representation or recognition in Cohrc every sign of age except the possession of thia It will bo seen that the federa pbc older that gentleman i tion is not now free to admit seceded or expelled became the further he went wrong His most dc bodies from the Knights of Labor voted followers could not congratulate him on the The salary of the president is increased from j)obbinr correspondence which ought to he the I 81(XX to 41 200 yearly The journal of tbe federn gtrw tn break the back of that most patient UOll lle CUUlfr ZiUC 'LUI TIU IAVUUVU sending out the president to do missionary work a i 7 thft rnnvrnfion adinnmed until to mor vmv Thprfi is nnipllv rteveloninff a fcelintr among tbn dnlnrntps that there are men in tbe American thnv ederation of Labor who are bet Lnfrc hnd come and the condition of the league 1 ter fitted to act as its bead than is Samuel Gompcrs him of blanc mange Some of tbe lead Certain it is there are delegates attcndiitg tbe con wcje prison others were in biding and it volition who make better and more able presiding nnrv hccauc the police would not take the trouble officer? John Mctlride ol tne tniio incr? aim tn ibi while tbo more prudent wore in Laborers Union is the almost unanimous choice yn)anjt addressing Radical meetings and muking of the delegates for president of the ederation 'prophesies of a dreadful winter in and some of them have been instructed to vole for jr(pn( far tbcy had all been falsified him but Mr McBride will not accept the position wtt now heard of tie campaign Ireland was John Kirchner of the cigar maker? of Philadcl pnruti vely tranquil under the present regime phia is also spoken of as successor but jUl n(hoiich the prospect? of the Unionists were is probable that his youth would militate against I 0 they must not sink into repose With bis chance of success even though he consent to rCfcleuCc to ictrencbment he calculated that the the use of hi? name He is bright young man CJt budget would show an cs but hardly mature enough for the position of presi jbn'ited surplus of from £2000000 dent l0 £300000(1 and that in the following Baltimore Doc The rooming session of ycar DC expenditure would bo reduced to £t5 the American ederation of Labor was cousutned or vj less than the figures at which by the introduction of almost innumerable re'ulu left it Nothing' would more tions on various subjects One was a protest from P(rpnuhen ibe government than the con the International Union against a vitton (n the minds of tbe people reduction ot the internal revenue tax on tobacco that jt jsC economical If ibe government The Progressive Tailors' Union ask official in pirfUCl nn economical policy avoiding foreign en dorsement for their label and several trades want (au)utcn8 jt would he able to deride all efforts congress to pass a law that will prevent tbe cm The rump Liberal party would ploynient of men enlisted in the army or navy in Loon bitterly rue the day and curse the hour in any capacity where skilled labor can be used At whicb it was persuaded by Gladstone to fly tbe noon a recess was Inken until 2 in in order that repeal the various committee might have time to do their £01(1 i10el)Ury 8nij to day that ho wc sorry work 1V th Avr chamberlain was not likelv to be success Mr Maguire says he wi I not serve mother lnij0n to America mainlyon account of year as secretary the Brotherhood of Carpen Irt votc vbicli he antagonized planted lers taking up all Ins time enemies said Ibe speaker nnr nwn noiicv and Hie only wav in which we may Tupper On the 1 Ish ommlsslon fre Eucces? t0 raaiC Irlends ot Winnipeg Manitoba Dec bir Charles Tup per Canada's representative in lhe fisheries nego POREION ARMIES tiations arrived here from Washington yesterday to visit members of bls family He declined to say anything specific about tbe state of tbe negotia The Official Military Paper of Russia tions but said: Makes a statement Wo have had a number of very interesting meet cT pTyncnrR0 Dec The official military ingsundthefacttbatwohaveiidjourned until Jan S' nary 4 shews that we still hope to arrive at a satisirc GazMe says: tory conclusion 1 am not without hope that we shall owing to the alarm raised by the Austrian press In reach a settlement advantageous and honorable toall coneJUencc ff the transfer of some Itussisn cavalry parties concerned tiro Warsuw district it is advisable to cousider the Sir Charles declined to express an opinion as to military position of Russia and her the effecl on the commercial union movement of nembbor order tt d(jt President Cleveland message to do so would jJnrinc tiro Uve years tbe peace effective be improper in view of his official position Per tfie German armvhiro been increased sixty five eonally he had always favored reciprocity and he battalions and 3'1 gmis Thu German troops on tbe tnouguc tne treaty or joh was sniibiucLUjy iu van nussian irunuw 7 adians generally and that its termination in 186(1 battalion ol 1 ntetry 1S7S was luifortunate for both countries He looked forward to closer commercial relations ntnodistant railroads There are eleven German rail day lie thought the utterances of the president roujR by menns uf which troops can be forwarded to Secretary airchild and Speaker Carlisle indicated the Russian frontier and ten junction stations where an enlargement of the free list to include nuiner they can be nipidlr thrown out ott rains and concen ous raw materials This would incidentally be truted beneficial to Canada which exports raw products fortress ut Grnndezen Austria to tbe United States in considerable quantities hftS udded nlne l0 the twenty three infantry divisions There is a statute authorizing the governor general formerly constituted her elective and would to reduce or remove duties on a large number of add In the event of the mobilization ot the army natural products of tbe United Stales whenever fourteen hnidwehr or bunweo di vision Tbe nrri tbe United State! educe or abrogates the duty on eon In batforle similar products of Canada The power is dr ere 0nrtiiierv all provided with a full compliment 01 tionary but there is no doubt that the governor Uoge! Austrian dtotrict? which might be gelierul and council would exercise it whenever an I come the theater ot war with Russia 4500 kilometers opportunity was afforded AeHSun re21T ftb)e jor Growing Into Galacia large bodies ot troop? Married I who by means of the new junction stations can be I to Ui Lelnn frontier MllliJLrV Olathe Kas Dec Mr Elly gdepiu end Bto collected at Lem Owen county surveyor of tbis county and Miss I burg Prymzcmil and other places lhe Lucy Keefer of Woodland Cal were married foe in tbo Methodist church nt Stanley this county last be bombarded from tbe Cracow fort A large qnnn by Bev Harry Smlthpaslor of foe Cbrij tUyKSe Jl'an tian cnurcn01 ini? city Atpeuaiimiuwvawm Ail thero preparations are meaningless except in about 160 friends of the groom to witness the cere vlew )toffensive tactics and show that Austria un inonyjjificr which the party returned toOlatbe dert 'emblume of defense is at the same time pre where they all partook of an elegant banquet at the paring to iovailo kumi eimii uineously with ber Delmonieo lie happy couple were the Plent jny of many presents ibey start out in life with manifest danger Russia considers that a Eu brigiR'pr ospects The groom is to be congratuteted 'canrar would be a terrible misfortune to all upon Ins good fortune as the bride is both band mankind She was the first who amid her neigh some and wealthy while he himself is probably feverish armaments did not increase but de the moat nonular man the county creased ber defensive force In 184 and 1in2 Russia tne most popular man lu uicuu 3 rcnisfli i pT reduced her pence effective nearly 100 INO men True San Antonio Tex Dec 1 5 speclal Ex red tbeAfghanaf Governor Roberts know all ovet the conn necegsdty Of improving ber readiness to try as the and wbo was governor mobluze when ber neighbors unremittingly raised of Texas two terms from 1878 to 1882 was married their fighting strength Nevertheless the peace et this evening at New Braunfels about thirty miles fective of the Russian army is now 2t Ia5 less than tn north of this city to Mrs Kato Borden an elderly 1881 tt? widowrof Tyler The marriage was quietly con event of warwili assemble a might army the anmqated at the house of the bride daughter concentraljQn0fWblchonthefronticrwlflbeincom Mrs Arnold whose husband is a leading citizen more difficult for her than will be the con ot New Braumfels Tex Tho ex governor is over centration of her neighbors of their forces at tbo 70 years old and has been married twice before Bamo place During the last tenyearn 2828 kite wbWlB new bride is 05 years and has a large meten DOinbCr of grown grandchildren Immediately P1 taring tho same period 93U0 kilo after the marriage the happy couple took tne tram nieter hUve been built Moreover tho area in which for Austin where the groom is a professor at law RUM6ia has constructed railways is twice as large as iu tho Texas university that in which her neighbors have built such hnes The Russian railways no where pass ouuide the do fenso lines of the triangle formed by 8t Petersburg Warsaw and Odessa our neighbor's lines however New York Dec Benedict and riedman run straight out to tho Russian frontier It is easy naw aohb veu iu TUhintu to understand that they are not constructed for ad UliUUl IC1 UL UUIUO UO UVUUVH AAV WUVWj aasew auuau UUO BUUie I uvq WV Wv A Sad Bereavement TOPEKA Minneapolis Minn Dec A fatal accide occurred at Maple Grove Tuesday A young named Luther Hoff was driving a team with load of wood when the horses became frightent throwing him from tbe sent in front of tho slci I ruuuers When the horses were etopped it found that Hot! was dead Ibe deceased was young man of 23 vears unmarried and IcavetilV lift mother who depended entirely on him for suppo11) llxr Republican Members of the Election Committee Out of Humor Washington Dec The members of tbe lower house are very much interested in the statement attributed to Speaker Carlise to the feet that it is not his intention to announce the standing committees until after the contested elec tion case of Thcebe shall have been decided This decision of course proceeds upon the assumption on the part of Carlisle that the case of his opponent is without merit and that the committee on elec tions will only be required to pass upon it in a per 1 functory manner end will speedilyreporl their res olution to the house borne of the Republican I members then said that tbe committee on elections 1 ought not to be placed in any such position that it i may happen some of them will think longer inves 1 tigation should be given the case and that I it is not expedient nor right tbat the entire legislative machinery of tbe house shall bo blocked until the case against the speaker shall be disposed of The Republican members of the committee on elections are reported as being somewhat restive at such a suggestion and are said to feel that in a certain sense tbe situation places them under duress It seems certain that the whole list of committees will not be reported until the last day before adjournment for the holi days' recess even it they are then reported and there is little probability that any of the commit tees will now oe reported before lhe holidays ex cept the committee on rules appropriations and ways and means As to tbe two latter there is no reason to revise tbe forecast that has already been made that Mills of Texas will be chair man of tbe committee on ways and means and Randall of the commitle on appropriations New Bills Washington Dec The bill introduced by Senator Coke to day to limit the jurisdiction of United States courts provides that the circuit and district courts of tbe United States shall not take original cognizance of any suit of a civil nature be tween a corporation organized under the laws of any state in which tbe corporation at tbe time of action'may have been carrying on any business ex cept in cases arising under tbe patent or copyright laws Senator Ilale to day Introduced a bill to provide that any officer placed ou the retired list after twenty years of service by reason of a physical defect which was not a disqualification at tbe time of his original entry into tbe service shall be held to be retired (or disability incident to lhe service Senator Balmer to day introduced a bill to in crease to 82000000 tbe limit of tbe appropriation for a public building at Detroit Mich The bill introduced by Senator George to day to protect employes and servants engaged in foreign und interstate commerce declares that they shall be entitled to a recovery of damages for any Injury sustained through the careless negligent or un skillful act or omission of their employers or mas ters or ot their fellow servants engaged in the same service Senator Butler to day introduced a bill to license railway conductors engaged in interstate com merce It provides that no railroad shall employ any person as a railway conductor upon any train engaged in interstate commerce unless tho per son is licensed as provided by the act It provides for chief examiner wbo shall have had five years service as a railway conductor and of supervising examiners to constitute a national boardof examin ers which shall establish all necessurv regula tions The supervising examiners siall be as signed to certain districts over which they may exercise control It also provides for two district examiners In each district Whenever any person makes application to be licensed as a railway con ductor the examiner is required to learn the ap nlicants moral mental physical and professional character It satisfied on these points he shall grant him a license for one year which shall be subject to revocation Noliccnse shall be granted to any one to act as railway conductor however wbo has net had at least one year 8 experience as a railway conductor or brakeman on a surface steam railway Any person whose application to rejected by the local examiners may appeal to the supervising inspector of the district The bill was framed by the National Association of Railway Conductors Senator Call to day introduced a Joint reroluiwn Governor Bodwell Bead Hallowell Me Dec Governor Bodwell died this morning His death was caused by con gestion of the lungs caused from exposure and overwork Governor death was very sudden and anexpccted as it was believed that be was on the road Io epcody recovery He had slept well during tho night Shortly after 5 this morning he awoke and asked his nephew to put him in hishair It was no sooner done than he expired lie died without a struggle passing away peacefully His death was probably caused by paralysis of the Veart A STdarble president of tbe senate will go to Augusta at once and enter upon his official duties as chief magistrate of the state Joseph Bodwell wos born in Methuen Mas? June 18 1818 He was the son of a farmer In 1852 be opened quarries on an island in Penobscot bay and organized the Bodwcll Granite Company which was succeeded in 1870 by the Hallowell Granite Company He served two terms in tbe Maine legislature Be was elected governor of Maine In 1886 by the Republicans Powderly Improving WILKESBARKE Pa Dec 15 Mr Powderly's physician stud at 7 this evening that there was no truth in the reports that Mr Powderly was getting worse that he was doing nicely and steadily Improving Scranton Pa Dec Mr condi tlon to night is regarded as critical by his physi cian HP WnS 5eizruwjlil iiliuinui uvwvhuujk hid afternoon It la now known that since his return to his home here be has slept very little aud is very nervous and restless on that account and is also very weak in consequence of the hemor rhages He also complains of severe pains in his cheat and abdomen No one is allowed to see him except his wife his physician and Tom who is here conducting Mr correspond ence Knights of Labor Matters Pa Dec Tne general execu tive board of Knights of Labor transacted some Impartant business at their headquarters to dayrhAv chnnffed charters of several district organiza tions in such way that their powers and privileges will be enlarged The board promised that the I charter making the new national trade assembly A MnMA 1 JV time ZAf or garment cutters uu uiuiiuwa ganized at Syracuse NY last August an assembly would be granted as soon ns provisions of law were fulfilled A charter for Reading railroad employes Vould be granted it was said before Sunday whenthe convention will be held in Elizabethport General Secretary Litchman granted a national Uiartot to the silk workers numbered 222 oretan htshcs LEirsrc Dec Tho public prosecutor has asked that Cahanncs tho official wbo pleaded (niilty of revealing the contents of official docu ments to rance be sentenced to twelve years Im 1 prisonment and fined 12M0 marks and that he be deprived of all civil rights for ten years St Petersburg Dec 15 Tbe Ojfieial Mepxenper referring to the trouble at the Moscow I niversity says: The lectures at the university were suspended In consequence of a student having assaulted an In inector at a concert Tbe other students aided with tho assault ami made arrungoments for an unauthor meeting which however was suppressed Many of the students wcro arrested and sent into trouble was caused in Moscow by a thftt two student? had died from tiro effects Of in nu ros received while the police were engaKCd in re ktorine order Ih spitee denial of this rumor the absented themselreH from their classes and ignored the authorltv of the university officials San Remo Dec Drs Shrader Krauss and Hovcll have issued a bulletin concerning tbe con dition o' the crown prince in which liroy say that during tbe few weeks the inflammatory symp toms in the larynx have entirely disappeared The surface of the tumor itself appear? to bo partly cicatrized and partly covered with flat growths which hae a tendency to increase The patients general condition is undisturbed Keltaion nt Cameron Cameron Mo Dec 15 Special What prom ises to bo one of the greatest religion? revivals in the history of Clinton county is now being held nt the church South in this city Rev IL Shelton pastor of the church and a converted 'ambler is conducting the meeting assisted by Rev Harrv Graham of the Spring Hill circuit near Both are voting men the former being about 26 and the latter about 21 years of nee There have already been nearly thirty conversions lhe audiences have become so large and the interest so great that the meetings will be held at Shaw a opera house after this evening Ohio Coal and Iron New York Dec The board of directors and several of lhe large stockholders of the New York Perry Coal and Iron Company left in tbe special enr Pickwick on the Pennsylvania road at 1:15 last evening for the Shawnee valley in Perry county where their mills are located for the purpose of opening their new works 'lhe compauv last summer increased its capita) by 81 50b 000 and this amount has been used in the erec tion of new works and iu tho purchase of adjacent coal and iron fields st Coal Celebration St Kas Dec In conformity to lhe mayor's proclamation all business was suspended this afternoon The citizens turned out on masse to honor Judge itzgerald and his coal boom An immense procession with flags mottoes and music marched through the streets to the fair grounds Conratnlatorv resolution? were adopted and speeches made by prominent citizens and re sponded to by Mr itzgerald wbo has been boring for coal on bte farm near here and struck a vein of good coal thirty eight inches thick at a depth of 327 feet The Government Can ind Troops Eldorado Kas Doc rom certain move ments of gentlemen who are well posted it appears that there is being secretly organized an immense scheme to make raid on Oklahoma in the early snrin" This movement extends over two or three states the arrangement being that the way to open the Indian Territory to settlement is to open it They ay that a 10000?) men will go Into the terri tory at a given date and that the government ha? i not enough troops to keep them out One of the leaders of the scheme lives here aud says they mean business from now on The Copper Market New York Dec Another advance in copper to day kept up the excitement among the metal brokers vuui uuib it an advance rlnrlntr tea 6d The London price to day for spot copper 6d One hundred tons were disposed of on the London Exchange The bears came out to soil in New York and were helped by the bulls to prevent a further advance Orders have been re ceived here it Is stated from Europe to buy for export from 2000000 to 3000000 gounds of copper slightly below the present market price Here the rices are 817601765 for spot for ecember and 817951800 for January Snow In Texas "Jenison Tex Dec A light snow fhe first of the season fell here to night at8 ort Worth Tex Dec Re ports from Western Texas indicate that tbe pres ent snow storm is the heaviest ever witnessed oy the present generation Drifts fence high are common At some places it has been snowing for thirty six hours Were it not for the mud under ueath the sleighing would be good At most tiaces the snow is from four to six inches deep Sut In some localities the fall is much heavier lattle are reported to be drifting badly and If tho now storm is followed by a severe norther the loss ill be heavy At ort Worth it has been snowing 4nce noon 4 Ofai i wag 'i Clipart I.
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