Checking lake effect snowfall totals in Northeast Ohio: National Weather Service in Cleveland reveals which locations got the most (2024)

The National Weather Service in Cleveland is sharing preliminary snowfall reports from the last 24 hours.

CLEVELAND — While some of you didn't see much -- if any -- lake effect snow today, there are many others dealing with hefty accumulations.

How much snow has fallen in the Cleveland area and across Northeast Ohio? Which areas got the most? The National Weather Service in Cleveland is sharing preliminary snowfall reports from the last 24 hours -- and one spot in Northeast Ohio racked up more than 13 inches.

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You can see more of the preliminary snow totals from the National Weather Service below...

Here's a look at preliminary snowfall amount across Northeast Ohio and Northwest Pennsylvania. For more reports, visit: #ohwx #pawx

— NWS Cleveland (@NWSCLE) November 28, 2023

The snowy conditions created some slick spots on the roads, leading to multiple school closings, crashes and delays throughout the region. The video below shows a crash involving multiple vehicles on I-480 in Twinsburg:

RELATED: LIVE UPDATES | Lake effect snow impacts in Northeast Ohio: Checking traffic conditions, radar and more

Want more? Here's an expanded look at the snow totals throughout Northeast Ohio as listed by the National Weather Service in Cleveland...

**********************12 HOUR SNOWFALL******* ***************

...Ashland County...
3 WSW Hayesville 0.1 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Ashtabula County...
3 E South Madison 13.3 720 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 ENE Jefferson 13.0 500 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 ESE Monroe Center 10.6 745 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 ESE Pierpont 10.0 740 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 W Geneva 7.5 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Cuyahoga County...
Pepper Pike 6.9 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 W Chagrin Falls 6.3 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 SW Cleveland Heigh 5.8 630 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Parma 4.0 900 AM 11/28 Broadcast Media
1 E Rocky River 3.0 745 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Westlake 2.6 810 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 SSW Solon 2.5 910 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 NNW Euclid 2.0 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 NE Euclid 1.5 752 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 SW North Royalton 1.4 901 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 ESE Broadview Heig 1.3 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Cleveland Hopkins Ai 0.1 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Geauga County...
2 ESE South Thompson 8.7 757 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 S Montville 8.0 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 SW Chardon 8.0 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Chardon 7.5 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 W Burton 6.0 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 W Novelty 6.0 740 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 SSW Chagrin Falls 5.9 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 WSW Auburn Corners 4.0 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Huron County...
3 N Willard T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Lake County...
3 W South Madison 11.6 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 SE Concord 7.4 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 ESE Painesville 7.0 725 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 WNW Concord 5.1 923 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 E Mentor 4.5 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 SSE Mentor 2.4 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Lorain County...
Elyria 0.4 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 NNE Wellington T 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Lucas County...
1 ENE Maumee 0.7 840 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Toledo Express Airpo 0.7 840 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 NNW Maumee 0.3 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Medina County...
1 ENE Sharon Center T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Portage County...
Hiram 4.5 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Richland County...
Mansfield Lahm Airpo T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 ENE Lexington T 500 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Seneca County...
4 S Old Fort 0.1 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Summit County...
1 SE Sagamore Hills 1.6 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Reminderville 0.5 745 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 NW Tallmadge 0.1 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 N Bath 0.1 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Akron-Canton Airport T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Trumbull County...
Youngstown Regional 0.4 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Wayne County...
2 SSE Rittman T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Wood County...
2 WSW Bowling Green T 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

Here's a look at some of our expanded team coverage as the lake effect snow was progressing at 6;30 am.

RELATED: FORECAST | What's next after this lake effect snow?

**********************24 HOUR SNOWFALL**********************


...Ashtabula County...
3 ENE Trumbull 11.5 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 S Harpersfield 6.0 845 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Cuyahoga County...
2 NNW Parma 3.4 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 NW Lakewood 2.8 714 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 SSW Westlake 2.6 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 SSW Lakewood 2.4 620 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Erie County...
2 NNE Castalia 0.1 630 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Geauga County...
4 S Madison 11.5 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
2 W South Thompson 10.0 600 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 WSW Auburn Corners 4.0 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Lake County...
1 WSW Madison 9.2 600 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
3 SW Willoughby 2.7 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Lorain County...
1 NW Avon 1.0 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
SE Elyria 0.4 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
3 NE North Ridgevill 0.1 600 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Lucas County...
4 NW Toledo 0.3 530 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Medina County...
1 ENE Medina 0.1 730 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Portage County...
4 NE Kent 0.3 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Summit County...
NNE Reminderville 0.5 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 SW Munroe Falls 0.1 700 AM 11/28 Co-Op Observer

...Trumbull County...
2 W Bolindale 1.0 700 AM 11/28 Co-Op Observer
1 N Newton Falls 0.5 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 NE Cortland 0.3 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Wood County...
3 NW Bowling Green 0.1 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

***********************SNOW ON GROUND***********************

...Ashland County...
3 WSW Hayesville T 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Ashtabula County...
3 E South Madison 13.0 720 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 ENE Trumbull 12.0 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 ENE Jefferson 12.0 500 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 ESE Monroe Center 11.0 745 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 ESE Pierpont 10.0 740 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 S Harpersfield 6.0 845 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Cuyahoga County...
Pepper Pike 7.0 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 W Chagrin Falls 6.0 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 SW Cleveland Heigh 6.0 630 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 NNW Parma 3.5 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 SSW Solon 3.0 910 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 NW Lakewood 3.0 714 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 E Rocky River 3.0 745 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Westlake 3.0 810 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 SSW Westlake 2.5 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
2 NE Euclid 2.0 752 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 NNW Euclid 2.0 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 ESE Broadview Heig 1.0 830 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 SW North Royalton 1.0 901 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Cleveland Hopkins Ai T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Geauga County...
4 S Madison 11.5 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
2 W South Thompson 10.0 600 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 ESE South Thompson 9.0 757 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 S Montville 8.0 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Chardon 8.0 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 W Burton 6.0 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 SSW Chagrin Falls 6.0 730 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 WSW Auburn Corners 4.0 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Lake County...
3 W South Madison 12.0 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 WSW Madison 9.0 600 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 SE Concord 7.0 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
2 WNW Concord 6.0 923 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 E Mentor 5.0 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
3 SW Willoughby 3.0 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
1 SSE Mentor 2.0 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Lorain County...
1 NW Avon 1.0 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
SE Elyria 0.5 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
Elyria T 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Medina County...
1 ENE Medina 0.1 730 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Portage County...
Hiram 5.0 900 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
4 NE Kent 0.5 800 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS

...Richland County...
Mansfield Lahm Airpo T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Summit County...
1 SE Sagamore Hills 2.0 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Reminderville 1.0 745 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 NW Tallmadge T 800 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
1 N Bath T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter
Akron-Canton Airport T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Trumbull County...
2 W Bolindale 1.0 700 AM 11/28 Co-Op Observer
1 NE Cortland 0.1 700 AM 11/28 CoCoRaHS
Youngstown Regional T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

...Wayne County...
2 SSE Rittman T 700 AM 11/28 Trained Spotter

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Checking lake effect snowfall totals in Northeast Ohio: National Weather Service in Cleveland reveals which locations got the most (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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